Safeguard Your Roof During Hurricane Season

When hurricane season arrives, ensuring your roof is prepared can make all the difference in protecting your home. A well-structured plan helps safeguard your property from the potential damage caused by hurricanes. This guide provides a detailed approach to roof-specific hurricane preparedness, covering everything from staying informed to securing your roof. 

Be Proactive – Safeguard Your Roof & Create Your Hurricane Plan Now 

Stay Informed 

  • Monitor Weather Forecasts: Regularly check updates from trusted sources for potential hurricanes. 

  • Sign Up for Alerts: Register for emergency notifications from local authorities to stay informed about any changes. 

Create a Family Emergency Plan 

  • Designate a Meeting Point: Choose a safe meeting location for your family in case of an emergency. 

  • Establish Communication Methods: Plan how to stay in touch if separated during the storm. 

  • Consider Special Needs: Include plans for pets and family members with special needs. 

Emergency Contacts 

  • Compile a List: Keep a list of essential contacts, including family, friends, and emergency services. 

Evacuation Routes 

  • Know Your Routes: Familiarize yourself with local evacuation routes. 

  • Plan Alternatives: Have multiple routes in case of blockages or traffic. 

Home Inventory 

  • Document Belongings: Photograph or video your possessions for insurance purposes, including the current state of your roof. 

As a Hurricane Approaches 

Emergency Supplies Kit 

  • Stock Up: Ensure you have non-perishable food and water for at least three days. 

  • Medical Needs: Include a first aid kit, prescription medications, and essential supplies. 

  • Essentials: Flashlights, batteries, a portable phone charger, and hygiene items. 

  • Cash: Keep small denominations handy. 

  • Important Documents: Store ID, insurance policies, and medical records in a waterproof container. 

Protect Your Roof 

  • Trim Vegetation: Minimize debris by trimming trees and shrubs near your home. 

  • Secure Windows and Doors: Use storm shutters or plywood to protect openings. 

  • Bring in Outdoor Items: Prevent objects from becoming projectiles. 

  • Turn Off Utilities: Shut off propane tanks and unplug appliances to prevent electrical issues. 

Fuel and Transportation 

  • Vehicle Readiness: Keep your vehicle’s fuel tank full and ensure it’s well-maintained. 


  • Charge Devices: Fully charge all electronic devices. 

  • Stay Updated: Have a battery-powered radio for news and updates. 

Family Pets 

  • Prepare a Pet Kit: Include food, water, medications, and carriers for your pets. 

  • Know Shelter Options: Identify pet-friendly shelters and hotels. 

During the Hurricane 

Stay Indoors 

  • Stay Safe: Remain indoors and stay in a secure room away from windows. 

Keep Informed 

  • Listen for Updates: Follow emergency broadcasts for updates and instructions. 

  • Heed Authorities: Follow the advice of local authorities. 

After the Hurricane 

Safety First 

  • Be Cautious: Watch out for downed power lines, debris, and floodwaters. 

  • Wait to Drive: Avoid driving until authorities declare it safe. 

Check for Roof Damage 

  • Inspect Your Roof: Look for any damage, such as missing shingles or leaks, and document it for insurance claims. 

Food and Water Safety 

  • Check Supplies: Ensure food and water are not contaminated. 

  • Boil Water: Use bottled water or boil tap water if necessary. 

Health Precautions 

  • Prevent Infections: Avoid mosquito bites and use repellent. 

  • Generator Safety: Use generators safely to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. 


  • Contact Loved Ones: Let them know you’re safe. 

  • Update Status: Post updates on social media or emergency apps. 

Hurricane Preparedness Roofing Checklist 

Inspection and Maintenance 

  • Schedule Inspections: Have a professional inspect your roof before hurricane season. 

  • Repair Damage: Fix any loose shingles, leaks, or other issues. 

  • Check Seals: Ensure all flashing, vents, and seals are intact. 

Secure Loose Items 

  • Clear Debris: Remove branches, tools, and other loose items from your roof. 

  • Trim Branches: Cut back overhanging branches to prevent damage during high winds. 

Reinforce Roof Anchoring 

  • Check Anchoring System: Ensure your roof is properly secured to the structure. 

  • Strengthen Connections: Reinforce fasteners and connections if needed. 

Gutter and Drainage System 

  • Clean Gutters: Prevent clogs by cleaning gutters and downspouts. 

  • Ensure Proper Drainage: Make sure water drains away from your foundation. 

Emergency Repairs Kit 

  • Assemble a Kit: Include tarps, nails, roofing cement, and essential tools. 

  • Have Plywood: Keep plywood handy to cover broken windows and protect against debris. 

Document Your Roof 

  • Take Photos: Document your roof’s condition for insurance purposes. 

  • Store Documents Safely: Keep important roofing and insurance documents secure. 

Communication Plan 

  • Stay in Touch: Have a plan to communicate with your roofing contractor for any needed repairs. 

  • Keep Contact Info: Ensure contact details for your roofing contractor are readily available. 

Temporary Leak Solutions 

  • Quick Fixes: Use roofing cement or tarps to temporarily seal minor leaks until professional repairs can be made. 

Evacuation and Safety 

  • Follow Authorities: Evacuate if advised for your safety. 

  • Avoid Repairs During Storms: Do not attempt any roofing repairs during the storm. 

Post-Storm Inspection 

  • Assess Damage: Check your roof for visible damage after the storm. 

  • Professional Inspection: Arrange for a thorough post-storm inspection and necessary repairs by a roofing professional. 


Safeguarding your roof and home from hurricanes is essential for your safety and the safety of your loved ones. Code Red Roofers has done roofing in South and Central Florida for over 20 years and is driven by honesty and integrity. We are the roofers who respond, and we want to help keep you safe when hailstorms hit. Schedule your FREE estimate today. 


A Homeowner’s Guide to Preparing for a Hurricane